Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impacts

The Group has an effect on natural capital and the environment through the resource consumption, CO2 emissions and waste discharge, as a result of the energy and paper use in its business activities. We are committed to reducing the environmental impact stemming from our operations and to minimizing the negative impact on society, and we consider this an issue of materiality. We examine clients’ consideration for the environment and society when we make our decision on investment and financing. We are striving to reduce both the environmental impact directly attributed to our business activities as well as the indirect environmental impact created by our borrowers and investees. Our goal is to reduce the burden on the environment at the societal level.

Our Group’s Initiatives to Reduce Emissions

The Group operates an Environmental Management System (hereinafter EMS) based on its Sustainability Policy.

Our goal is to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by systematically and continuously engaging in environmental conservation activities. Specifically, we have set targets and are making efforts on the following five items.

  • 1
    Paper (usage amount, ratio of recycled and eco-friendly paper purchases, paper waste)
  • 2
    Electric power (power usage, GHG emissions)
  • 3
    Waste (waste generation, paper waste)
  • 4
    Green procurement (ratio of green procurement when purchasing stationery)
  • 5
    Water (usage amount)

In the Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings (now the Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Group, Inc.) Carbon Neutral Commitment announced in October 2021, we declared that the GHG emissions (Scope1, 2) of the Sumitmo Mitsui Trust Group would be net zero by 2030. We also periodically release a “Progress of Our Approach to Carbon Neutrality” report in accordance with the declaration. We will continue to reduce energy consumption and accelerate the transition to renewable energy focusing on electric power. We will also ensure that efforts to reduce GHG emissions take root throughout the Group, and we will aim for the early achievement of net zero GHG emissions Group-wide including key overseas offices and affiliate companies.

Zero Plastic Waste Declaration

Plastic waste flowing from rivers into oceans is causing marine pollution. It hugely affects the ocean ecosystem, fishery, and tourism, which has become a global problem.

As our concrete action against the global marine pollution, in April 2019, we formulated the Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Group Zero Plastic Waste Declaration, which aims to realize zero plastic waste—that is, plastic discarded without being recycled—by the year 2030. Based on this declaration, we continue to implement specific initiatives aimed at preventing employees from throwing away plastic and not providing items made from plastic to clients.

Free bags and straws have not been provided at convenience stores for employees in major buildings of SuMi TRUST Bank. Since the Zero Plastic Waste Declaration was formulated, in the entire group we have displayed posters that encourage employees to separate waste and reduce plastic waste. At the headquarter, 100% of generated plastic waste has been recycled by thorough recycling efforts. We will continue our efforts to reduce and recycle plastic waste. In addition we promote reviewing and converting the materials of complimentaries to prevent our clients form throwing away plastic waste.

Each Group’s Initiatives

Nikko Asset Management

Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. recognizes the threat that climate and environmental risks pose to the world, believing that it has a responsibility to minimize the impact of its business activities on the environment. Ever since first introducing an environmental policy in 2010, it has committed to actively considering environmental issues in its business activities.

The revised 2021 Environmental Policy focuses on the following eight areas.

  • 1.
    Compliance with laws and regulations, etc.
  • 2.
    Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • 3.
    Pursuing resource efficiency
  • 4.
    Selecting vendors and purchasing products with consideration to the environment
  • 5.
    Reduction of disposable plastic
  • 6.
    Protecting biodiversity in the natural environment
  • 7.
    Enhanced reporting and disclosure
  • 8.
    Promoting employee education and advocacy

In addition, as a quantitative goal, it aims to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions per employee of the entire Nikko Asset Management Group by 40% compared to 2019 by 2030.*1

*1Covers direct and indirect emissions by the company under Scope1 and Scope2 (emissions from fuel combustion, electricity supply, and other uses) as defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, as well as some indirect emissions under Scope3 (emissions from fuel and energy activities and business trips not included in Scope1 and Scope2)

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Panasonic Finance

At Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Panasonic Finance Co., Ltd., in addition to continuing to make efforts to reduce power usage, photocopying paper usage, and gasoline usage, it is also committed to Reduce-Reuse-Recycle (3R) activities in an effort to make effective use of resources.

It is also promoting initiatives that contribute to the environment and society (health and safety), such as switching from company vehicles to public transportation (trains and rental cars) for business activities, which reduces CO2 emissions as well as reducing long-distance drives to alleviate driver fatigue and prevent traffic accidents.

Furthermore, as part of its 3R activities, it is committed to initiatives such as effective use of resources and contribution to society. For example, it internally reuses the surplus stationary and other items and donates unused expired envelopes to special needs schools as teaching materials for practical training.

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