Aging and Financial Inclusion
Our Group provides broad-ranging solutions that help solving social issues in the age of 100-year life to contribute to the realization of “FINANCIAL WELL-BEING of our clients and society.”
Issues to Realize Financial Inclusion in a Super-Aged Society
- Asset formation
The importance of provident asset formation is increasing more and more in the current situation with low interest rate, low birth rate and aging society, and inflation. While the government holds up the “Promoting Japan as a Leading Asset Management Center” scheme and asset management opportunities are increasing, our Group supports clients’ medium to long term asset formation through various solutions and advisory services.
- Asset administration
Amid an aging society, we strive to improve our asset administration services including developing a trust product which integrates effective functions to prepare for dementia and other problems to ensure the safe and secure life of elderly clients anxious about their future asset administration as well as that of their family.
- Asset succession
An aging society and changes in tax systems have revealed suffering and anxiety about inheritance and succession to the next generation, which has become a social issue. Our representatives with expertise help clients’ smooth succession of their assets.

Our Initiatives
Financial Literacy Education
Against the backdrop of recent inflation and an increase in the age at which pension benefits are granted, social demands for retirement savings have increased, and self-help efforts to build wealth from an early age have attracted attention.
Our Group is committed to improving financial literacy so that each client can choose the products and services that fit their life plan and build wealth on their own initiative.
We will help our clients achieve their FINANCIAL WELL-BEING by continuing to offer asset management seminars through our defined contribution (DC) pension plan, the workplace and other touchpoints, and to provide financial education content in partnership with educational institutions near our branches.
The Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Financial Education Institute provides a wide variety of seminars and video content on how to form and utilize assets to ensure safety and happiness of each person throughout a lifetime.

Collaboration with SBI Sumishin Net Bank
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank launched Sumitomo Mitsui Trust NEOBANK in September 2023, a banking service that leverages the cutting-edge IT technology of SBI Sumishin Net Bank.
By utilizing this service in conjunction with the “Smart Life Designer,” an asset administration app, clients can access a suite of high-value-added services aligned with their life stages. These services range from daily deposits and withdrawals to asset management, administration, and succession. Through this service, it will work to realize FINNANCIAL WELL-BEING for a wide range of clients, including those it already does business with and new clients it has yet to reach.

Initiatives for the Elderly (Financial Inclusion)
In addition to developing trust products for the super-aging society and promoting trustee support services for civil trusts, we are actively working to solve the problems surrounding Japan’s elderly people and to realize financial inclusion by holding academic symposiums on adult guardianship and trusts under industry-government-academia partnership to promote adult guardianship and other systems rooted in cooperation with local communities.
Specifically, we send lecturers to open workshops on trusts for citizens, and to study meetings for social welfare councils as well as hold seminars for lawyers, judicial scriveners, and other professionals involved in civil trusts.
In addition, we have subsidized the Chuo University Research and Development Initiative to set the Research Unit for Blueprinting the Best Utilization Scheme of “TRUSTS” in the Super-Aged Society, through which we have sponsored and sent lecturers to “TV Symposium,” a TV program of Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), and to “Development of Adult Guardianship and Trust in Asia,” an international symposium, etc. to improve literacy in property administration for the elderly.
Improving Gerontology Literacy
Gerontology examines the various issues that occur as people age and is a field of study characterized by interdisciplinary viewpoints aimed at investigating ways to help people lead better lives. Sumitomo Mitsui TRUST Bank is focused on studying gerontology together with its clients and aims to realize the concept of productive aging whereby seniors stay in control of their own lives right to the very end and remain an integral part of the society despite their old age. It has required all branch managers to sit and pass a gerontology test since 2014 to provide better services and consulting for elderly clients. Furthermore, it also supports the Bank Gerontologist certification exam created by the Decision-Making Support Organization Japan and the Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs by making questions, etc.
As of end-March 2024
Providing appropriate consulting to the senior |
Certified Bank Gerontologist
Supporting inheritance, wills, estate liquidation, etc. |
Financial Consultant/Trust Consultant
Number of cource employees of Sumitomo Mistui TRUST Bank who have passed the licensing examinations above.
Support Seniors for Happy Life
We prepare various editions of the “Digest Report for Seniors,” a guidebook that provides useful information for thinking about senior-generation housing and issues on dementia.