Human Rights Policy and Material Human Rights Risks

Human Rights Policy

SuMi TRUST Group formulated our human rights policy based on the “Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.” In light of increased importance of respecting human rights, as well as expanded human rights issues required of financial institutions, we revised our human rights policy in February 2023.

Identification of Material Human Rights Risks

In conjunction with the revision of our human rights policy, we confirmed risks that our business activities could have on human rights to identify the following three as material human rights risks from the perspectives of the “scope of impact” and “severity.”

  • Prejudice and discriminatory views, including the Dowa issue (discrimination against a certain group of domestic Japanese)
  • Forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking
  • Involvement in conflicts and inhumane acts

Human Rights Management

Based on the human rights policy, we have been making efforts to identify and evaluate negative impacts relating to human rights, and prevent and reduce such negative impacts.

Survey of Group Companies

In order to understand our Group’s human rights issues, each Group company strives to identify human rights issues concerning its directors and executive officers, employees, and business partners and suppliers, and take improvement measures, if necessary, once a year, utilizing the “Human Rights Due Diligence Checklist.” The results are reflected in reviewing the human rights enlightening training.

Survey of External Stakeholders

In order to conduct responsible corporate behavior, SuMi TRUST Bank introduced business flows utilizing external data in November 2023 for risks mainly related to environmental and social issues (environmental and social risks). It has already conducted surveys on the cases that require measures to prevent and reduce negative impacts. Based on the results of the survey, we determine the necessity of monitoring and continue dialogue with the companies being monitored to prevent and reduce negative impacts. In addition, through dialogue with NGOs and other stakeholders, It has identified and evaluated negative impacts and is promoting efforts to reduce them. In the future, it will work to expand the scope of target operations and instill the significance of such efforts in its employees.

The following outlines the main types of dialogue it had in fiscal 2023.

Overview of NGO dialogue Future response policy
Fire and explosion accident at a biomass power plant related to a loan project Analysis of the cause, recurrenceprevention measures, and careful dialogue with a plant operator regarding explanation to local residents

Human Rights Due Diligence Liaison Committee

Based on the human rights policy, the Human Rights Due Diligence Liaison Committee fully discuss issues identified through the above process, leading to the formulation and implementation of concrete improvement measures, with the aim of promoting efforts to respect human rights.

Major deliberations made in the Human Rights Due Diligence Liaison Committee during fiscal 2023

August 2023
  • Results of the investigation using the human rights due diligence checklist for FY2022
  • Basic policy in assessing the efforts of business partners and suppliers
  • Monitoring results of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act in FY2022
February 2024
  • Status of human rights enlightenment efforts and awareness of issues
  • Basic policy in confirmation based on the investigation using the human rights due diligence checklist for FY2023
  • Status of assessment of the efforts of business partners and suppliers and awareness of issues

Enhancing Human Rights Education

Our Group recognizes that it is important for our directors, executive officers and employees to enhance their understanding of human rights issues and work with a sense of ownership, and that continuing efforts are necessary. Since fiscal 2023, SuMi TRUST Bank has conducted human rights training in accordance with the role expected for each position, and will continue efforts with enhanced effectiveness. Specifically, based on the existing training by level, it has newly established training aimed at raising the awareness of human rights issues among top management and general managers, and has reviewed the revised human rights policy and e-learning for all employees from the perspective of disseminating

Training for executives
The Group’s history of human rights enlightenment
Human rights due diligence to external stakeholders
Training for general managers and deputy general managers
The Group’s history of human rights education
Disseminating our human rights management system, the human rights policy

Relief Measures

SuMi TRUST Bank has a personal consultation desk (LGBTQ Consultation Desk)*1 and a compliance hotline*2 in place. They provide various consultations on human rights. Anyone can consult anonymously using these measures. In addition to protecting the privacy of victims, if any revealed negative impact on human rights is detected in a consultation or report, necessary measures will be taken promptly in cooperation with the relevant departments.

*1In addition to providing various human rights related consultation, the personal consultation desk (LGBTQ Consultation Desk) will immediately take a necessary measures in cooperation with relevant departments, if a negative impact on human rights is revealed.

*2Our Group's compliance hotline system enables directors, officers, and employees to directly report legal violations to the Compliance Department and external law firms. The system ensures protection of whistleblowers, and simple means of reporting (telephone and Web system) have been established.

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