Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2020–2022)

We have aligned the three-year period of our Medium-Term Management Plan—which commenced in FY2020—as a time to reinforce our business platform with the aim of achieving continuous and stable growth of the SuMi TRUST Group.

We intend to take the business model transformation that we have thus far pursued to the next level, and as we bear in mind our reason for existence (“Purpose”) we will squarely address the social issues faced by all of our clients, whether they be individuals, corporations, or investors, in an effort to realize sustainable and stable growth for the Group.

Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2020–2022)

Basic Strategies

Under our Medium-Term Management Plan that kicks off in FY2020, we aim to step up our initiatives on further improving the sustainability and stability of growth by anchoring the management of the Group to three basic strategies.

Three basic strategies
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