Total Number of Shares

(As of September 30, 2024)

Common Shares 721,355,380
Total 721,355,380

Composition of Shareholders(Common Shares)

(As of September 30, 2024)

Shareholder type Number of Shareholders (People) Number of Shares Held (units of shares) Component Ratio (%)
Financial Institutions 174 2,169,276 30.15
Securities Companies 50 553,679 7.69
Other Domestic Corporations 1,924 899,814 12.50
Foreign Investors 1,079 2,972,357 41.31
Individuals and Others 74,170 600,519 8.35
Government and Local Public Organizations 1 40 0.00
Total 77,398 7,195,685 100.00
Shares constituting less than one unit 1,786,880 shares
  • (Note1)Number of Shares per Unit:100 shares
  • (Note2)Treasury Stock (588,451 shares) is included 5,884 units in "Individuals and Others" and 51 shares in "Shares constituting less than one unit".
  • (Note3)The component ratio is rounded off to two decimal places.

Major Shareholders(Common Shares)

(As of September 30, 2024)

Shareholder Name Number of Shares Held (Shares) Shareholding Ratio (%)
1 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 115,815,100 16.06
2 Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 47,070,554 6.53
3 State Street Bank and Trust Company 505001 26,928,163 3.73
4 JPMorgan Securities Japan, Co, Ltd. 14,463,546 2.00
5 State Street Bank West Client - Treaty 505234 13,049,870 1.81
6 JP Morgan Chase Bank 385781 10,937,176 1.51
7 Northern Trust Co. (AVFC) Re Silchester International Investors International Value Equity Trust 10,868,000 1.50
8 State Street Bank and Trust Company 505103 9,985,296 1.38
9 Barclays Securities Japan Limited 9,100,000 1.26
10 Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. BNYM 8,892,364 1.23
  • (Note)The shareholding ratio is calculated by excluding the treasury stock and rounded down to second decimal places.
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