Dissemination and enlightenment to employees
Raising awareness of the SDGs to all employees and disseminating information about the SDGs
In the SuMi TRUST Group, each and every employee comes up with plans to assume responsibility for raising awareness about the SDGs. In this way, all employees take action to facilitate greater understanding of, and implement initiatives towards achieving, the SDGs. In October 2018, the Group’s newsletter featured a special article about the SDGs, explaining the significance of addressing them and how each of the Group’s businesses are connected. Also, since December 2018, an e-Learning course for all directors, officers, and employees has been run every year in an effort to further promote understanding of the SDGs and call for specific initiatives to be implemented. This e-Learning module has also been expanded to include overseas offices.
In fiscal 2019, all employees of the SuMi TRUST Group started wearing an SDGs badge. Meanwhile, initiatives at each Group company continue to be carried out (see pages 169–176).
In the second half of 2018 an internal SDGs study session was held at all branches and departments across Japan so that "With You" activities could be implemented with the aim of achieving the SDGs. A total of 3,112 employees participated.
Furthermore, in August 2019 all 134 branch offices in Japan formulated their own SDG declarations with the goal of spreading the word about the SDGs and contributing to regional revitalization in their local community.
Currently, each branch and department is undertaking initiatives geared towards achieving their own SDG declaration and the Sustainability Management Department shares success cases with the aim of raising the overall level of activities at all branches and departments.
The SDG activities of branches and departments across Japan are occasionally posted on the "With You" branch blog website.